Saturday, January 24, 2015

Dining Room Make Over

My Dining Room Before and After

After being in my home for a little over 7 months now, I decided it's time to add my own touch. I think the hardest part has been choosing paint colors and window treatments. Slowly but surely it's coming together.

The first picture is my dining room. Before it was a neutral color (the same color that every room was painted when we bought our home) It was a flat base (I personally do not like flat base paint at all. I have to many sticky little fingers running through my home. You get any little finger print on a flat base painted wall and it's nearly impossible to get off, and if you even attempt to scrub it down it looks horrible after) I always like to use eggshell base on all my walls. It always looks smooth, not too shiny and I can get and dirt, scuff or print off without ruining the wall!

This is my dining room before the makeover. I'm not sure what the exact paint or color was used. It was a flat base.
(Thats my kitten Charlie! He was keeping me company while I prepped the room.)

And this is after.

We are very happy the way the color came out. I used BM -Waters Edge 1635 Eggshell base.

We had a lot of extra paint left over so I used the same color in our basement bathroom!

Now, I'm on a kick to paint every room in the house so stay tuned for my next project!!! (My husband just rolled his eyes. Lol)

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