It must have been a new moon, full moon or something since my kids played nicely all day yesterday together. It was cute listening to them use there imaginations playing school and house (especially at there ages of 3, 7 & 10. you'd think they'd be doing there separate thing but they really play well together) So, my husband and I took advantage of (this rare occasion) and cozied up on the couch under a blanket and watched Netflix.
I came across "GMO OMG". I really thought it was a great documentary. It taught me a few new things about where GMO's might be lingering. I have a handful of friends who eat organic and feed there families very healthy home cooked meal. But then, I have the other handful who think organic food is for "hippies" and they have no idea what GMO stands for (in case you don't know it means Genetically Modified Foods I once had somebody ask if I cook anything else besides organic, and if I make regular food.....???? I stood dumbfounded. Seriously?!? What do you think organic means? Were people this uneducated about what organic is and where there food is coming from?
After the movie a bit of guilt came over me, because here I am trying to feed my family the best that they can eat, and in actuality I can't protect them from the harmful possibility they're eating nasty chemicals. Every Halloween, every time we go out for ice cream or they get a birthday treat at there friends parties, they are really eating poisons. Ugh, so gross. It's very frustrating as a parent.
Then it got me thinking more. Wow, my mom was diagnosed for the first time in her 40's with breast cancer (a woman who came to America from Europe, who most likely ate mostly fresh organic foods) Was it something she ate when she arrived here. My mom always made a home cooked meal every night for dinner (take-out and fast foods was non existent in my family growing up) but she was always looking for the bargain (she would put the people on "Extreme Coupon-ing" to shame) We never had organic foods (it was almost unheard of in the 80's). Everything she seasoned her foods with was most likely MSG filled. All her cereals she bought on sale (full of GMO'S) And all the dairy & meats (hormone up the waazoo) For lunches we practically lived on "Ramen Noodle Soups" (Imagine if she did feed me McDonalds, I'd probably be glowing)A little more towards the time my mom was diagnosed for the second time with cancer she became more knowledgable of eating more healthier, she began researching and using natural products and remedies (she almost became like a "Go To" medicine lady. She'd would actually get phone calls all the time from people asking her about her natural remedies to help them) At one point we even raised our own chickens which gave us fresh eggs daily. Unfortunately, cancer got the best of my mom and she passed away in October, of 2009.
Though I know cancer and other illnesses can be genetically passed on, and the "research" hasn't been proven that all these chemicals are causing all these illnesses, I don't feel like taking my chances. As soon as the movie finished I ran online to find local organic farms. I was very pleased to find a farm only 20 minutes away from my house. They sell only organic meats, eggs and dairy products (can't wait to visit them later this week). I also went onto and ordered my seed catalog to start my own home grown fresh "organic" fruits and vegetables (I'm really excited since this will be my first garden in my new home and I have tons more places to plant)
So, as hard as it might be I will always make sure to give my kids the best stuff for them. The greatest gift my husband and I can give our kids is, the knowledge of healthy eating, the knowledge of where our food and products come from. My goal in life is (and though my kids might not understand this today)... but, maybe in there future they will realize "Hey! My parents fed me all that good healthy organic, GMO free, Hormone free stuff and I just walked out of the doctors (at 99years old) with a clean bill of health".
I highly recommend everyone watches this movie (even if you're not an organic eating hippie like me). You'll still learn a lot (and you won't ask others if they make regular foods besides organic). I guarantee you'll look at food you buy and eat differently. Plus the family in this movie is adorable!
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