I became a Wildtree Sales Representative! And I am very excited to share my thoughts on being a Wildtree Rep.
I came across this crazy idea, after talking to a good friend of mine who also is in direct sales (she sells Preimer Jewelry). Like me she is a stay at home mom who wants to work, but finds that working away from the home will just cost her more and add more stress to her already busy life (yes us stay at home moms are super busy). She was explaining how she has been with Preimer for over five years and loves it. Besides brining home some cash she has been also meeting great people and making a lot of friends!
Hmm, still stay at home? Be able to bring in some extra cash to help out the family, while being out making new friends? Sounds good to me!
I knew she would love me signing up under her (and she is an amazing up-line). But her circle of friends was all the new friends I have been making here in MI, so I knew that wouldn't work. I got onto my laptop (and used dear old google) looked up "sales rep" hundreds of different companies. I love makeup, and I'm a sucker for Pampered Chef, and I am obsessed with LuLaRoe (but my husband would have a cow if I took up all of the house with clothes). My next idea was food (everyone likes to eat right?) a few sites popped up but really what caught my eye was the word organic next to Wildtree's name.
I clicked on the sight and the words Simple, Healthy, Natural popped up and I automatically fell in love. It was exactly what I was looking for.
Though Wildtree has been around since 1996 I have never heard of them. I clicked on the site, and scrolled through the site. I was impressed by the selection of seasonings and oils they have to offer and how decently low the prices were. I was most in love with the "Freezer Meal Workshop" (it's a workshop where you pre prep and freeze 10 meals). A little skeptical (because honestly it seemed a little too good to me true), I started doing my research. I watched you tube videos, read hundreds of reviews and everything I was finding was that Wildtree had a lot of pros opposed to cons and maybe it was a really great company!
I call my sales guru friend from Priemer and start asking if she has heard of it? She says she has tried a few things and really likes there products. She put me in contact with a local rep from Wildtree (who is now my up-line). I talked to her for about half hour and everything she was saying sounded really amazing (but a little part of me is wondering if this is her sales pitch).
The initial sign up fee is $50 (only $50?) My thought is "Hmm, thats sounds cheap, whats the catch?" So, I figure whats the worst that could happen. I type in my C.C number and just like that I was in the Wildtree family.
My website was running within 24 hours. And a few days later I received this huge box at my door step (there delivery is really fast). The box was full of my business startup material (catalogs, samples, etc) But I was floored when I realized all the seasonings and big sized oils they sent. (It was probably around $80 worth of free products).
A few weeks later I had my first launch party. (Holy moly was I nervous). I set up everything like it was going to be displayed in food magazine. I memorized my whole speech (which I forgot once I stood up). Once I started explaining myself it became easier and exciting! I booked 2 more parties that night! And I even signed up someone under me! You receive 20% commission at first and then you can work your way up to an even bigger pay cut (I'm new at this so, I am still a low baller. But if you have a knack at sales you'll be on one of those incentive vacations in no time).
Now that I have been doing this for a few months here is my honest take on Wildtree. (and this is not a sales pitch)
The products are really good. Truly great quality. They seem pricey but you are getting what you pay for. Some, things I am not a fan of at all is the "Chocolate Mousse" but my customers love it. Because it is low sodium, I do find myself sometimes adding salt (I'm working on the whole less salt thing). Thumbs up on the meals! They are quick easy and all good! The oils are great!
The hardest part is trying to get people to trust the product. I have found more people don't know about the product and are nervous to make that purchase. But those who have tried my product rave of how yummy everything has been.
The "Freezer Workshops" are hands down my favorite. The workshop is $78 (sounds scary but it's not) You order your workshop. It comes with everything to put your 10 meals together. (recipes, seasonings oils). All you do it purchase the fresh meats and produce that the recipe calls for. You can do this as a party (which is more exciting) or do it on your own at home. You can substitute the recipe. You don't like shrimp use chicken. You're a vegetarian use tempeh.
So, if you're thinking about getting into direct sales with Wildtree or any company, I say go for it! I am able to work when I want. And it's kind of nice being a part owner of a company! Now people ask Do you work? Why yes! Yes, I do.
If you want any info or questions just ask me below. If you want to make a purchase, or you want to sign on you can click my site http://www.mywildtree.com/ElizabethRopicki
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