Sunday, November 13, 2016

My Wildtree Journey

I go through crazy kicks, weather it's changing a paint color in the living room I just painted a year ago or picking up a new hobby (that I have no time to do) So, a few months ago another crazy idea came into my head, and I am actually excited for it!

 I became a Wildtree Sales Representative! And I am very excited to share my thoughts on being a Wildtree Rep.

I came across this crazy idea, after talking to a good friend of mine who also is in direct sales (she sells Preimer Jewelry). Like me she is a stay at home mom who wants to work, but finds that working  away from the home will just cost her more and add more stress to her already busy life (yes us stay at home moms are super busy). She was explaining how she has been with Preimer for over five years and loves it. Besides brining home some cash she has been also meeting great people and making a lot of friends!

Hmm, still stay at home? Be able to bring in some extra cash to help out the family, while being out making new friends? Sounds good to me!

I knew she would love me signing up under her (and she is an amazing up-line). But her circle of friends was all the new friends I have been making here in MI, so I knew that wouldn't work. I got onto my laptop (and used dear old google) looked up "sales rep" hundreds of different companies. I love makeup, and I'm a sucker for Pampered Chef, and I am obsessed with LuLaRoe (but my husband would have a cow if I took up all of the house with clothes). My next idea was food (everyone likes to eat right?) a few sites popped up but really what caught my eye was the word organic next to Wildtree's name.

 I clicked on the sight and the words Simple, Healthy, Natural popped up and I automatically fell in love. It was exactly what I was looking for. 

Though Wildtree has been around since 1996 I have never heard of them. I clicked on the site, and scrolled through the site. I was impressed by the selection of seasonings and oils they have to offer and how decently low the prices were. I was most in love with the "Freezer Meal Workshop" (it's a workshop where you pre prep and freeze 10 meals). A little skeptical (because honestly it seemed a little too good to me true), I started doing my research. I watched you tube videos, read hundreds of reviews and everything I was finding was that Wildtree had a lot of pros opposed to cons and maybe it was a really great company!

I call my sales guru friend from Priemer and start asking if she has heard of it? She says she has tried a few things and really likes there products. She put me in contact with a local rep from Wildtree (who is now my up-line). I talked to her for about half hour and everything she was saying sounded really amazing (but a little part of me is wondering if this is her sales pitch).

The initial sign up fee is $50 (only $50?) My thought is "Hmm, thats sounds cheap, whats the catch?"  So, I figure whats the worst that could happen. I type in my C.C number and just like that I was in the Wildtree family.

My website was running within 24 hours. And a few days later I received this huge box at my door step (there delivery is really fast). The box was full of my business startup material (catalogs, samples, etc) But I was floored when I realized all the seasonings and big sized oils they sent. (It was probably around $80 worth of free products). 

A few weeks later I had my first launch party. (Holy moly was I nervous). I set up everything like it was going to be displayed in food magazine. I memorized my whole speech (which I forgot once I stood up). Once I started explaining myself it became easier and exciting! I booked 2 more parties that night! And I even signed up someone under me! You receive 20% commission at first and then you can work your way up to an even bigger pay cut (I'm new at this so, I am still a low baller. But if you have a knack at sales you'll be on one of those incentive vacations in no time).

Now that I have been doing this for a few months here is my honest take on Wildtree. (and this is not a sales pitch)

The products are really good. Truly great quality. They seem pricey but you are getting what you pay for. Some, things I am not a fan of at all is the "Chocolate Mousse" but my customers love it. Because it is low sodium, I do find myself sometimes adding salt (I'm working on the whole less salt thing). Thumbs up on the meals! They are quick easy and all good! The oils are great!

The hardest part is trying to get people to trust the product. I have found more people don't know about the product and are nervous to make that purchase. But those who have tried my product rave of how yummy everything has been.

The "Freezer Workshops" are hands down my favorite. The workshop is $78 (sounds scary but it's not) You order your workshop. It comes with everything to put your 10 meals together. (recipes, seasonings oils). All you do it purchase the fresh meats and produce that the recipe calls for. You can do this as a party (which is more exciting) or do it on your own at home. You can substitute the recipe. You don't like shrimp use chicken. You're a vegetarian use tempeh. 

So, if you're thinking about getting into direct sales with Wildtree or any company, I say go for it! I am able to work when I want. And it's kind of nice being a part owner of a company! Now people ask Do you work? Why yes! Yes, I do.

If you want any info or questions just ask me below. If you want to make a purchase, or you want to sign on you can click my site

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Snow Globe DIY Kids Craft

My daughter who is in 2nd grade came home with a project. The project was that they had to come up with a product that they had to build by themselves. They had a list of ideas to choose from. (From what the teacher told me, her students from past years had came up with some crazy impractical  ideas, and I am happy they had this list because my daughter would be one of those creative "lets build a roller coaster"  kinda kids). They were to advertise there product  and pretend to "sell" it to their classmates. It was actually pretty neat because they had to figure out how much it would cost to produce each product. Then come up with a practical selling price.  So, my daughter chose "Snow Globe"....... so, with my creative mommy talents, stuff around the house and a little bit of research we came up with this actually pretty neat and easy snow globe idea!

And viola.....this is our homemade "beach theme" snow globe!!!

Closer look.

My daughters theme obviously was a beach themed snow globe. But, I thought how cute would it be to make one of these opposed to a paper birthday card, so I came up with this cute cupcake themed globe with real sprinkles! 

I don't know why my camera is coming out backwards, but it says "So Sweet"

Supplies Used:
  • I used 2 small clear plastic plates (found at the local Dollar Tree)
  • Handy dandy pre-heated glue gun (best investment I use my glue gun more than I'd like to admit) extra glue sticks.  
  • Scrap book paper (but any paper will work.) 
  • Stickers (I had a whole lot of scrapping stickers that worked great for this project) 
  • Pencil to trace the plates onto the paper.
  • Micro beads (Found at any craft store) When using these little beads be aware that those little stinkers get everywhere. And the static makes them stick to everything. 

Trace your plate onto the paper with pencil. 

Cut out the paper. You might have to tweak the paper once you cut it out so it fits in the plate perfectly.

Hot glue the paper directly onto the plate.

Add stickers, pictures, cut-outs and anything you can come up with. Then add sprinkles, sparkles or micro beads. (Caution this can get messy, I went a little over board with the sprinkles and they spilled all over my dining room floor.)

Glue the edge of the second plate and stick it onto the other plate.

There you go, a diy "Snow Globe".

Happy crafting :-)

Friday, February 13, 2015

100 Days Of School Project Idea

My daughters just celebrated there 100th day at their school.

My daughters second grade teacher sent home a note with a project in honor of 100 days. They had to decorate a shirt any way they's like, but it had to be 100 of something on it (wether it was pins, stickers, buttons etc).

This is what my daughter came up with.....

 Creative, right? (I think she gets that creative gene from her mom)

She used 100 styrofoam heart stickers (I found a 300 pack of hearts for $2, at a local Walmart), and stuck them on to look like a heart shape. I used fabric paint to write 100 days.

By the time she came home from school a few of the hearts were missing (either lost or she gave them away to her friends). So, maybe next time I would have used a little fabric glue to stick  them on so they'd stay a little better.

Very, cute, very easy and highly recommend for an idea for 100th day of school!

Thanks for letting me share. Have a wonderful day!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Valentine's Day Card Box.

I swear Valentines day stuff was popping up in November. It feels like as soon as Christmas finishes Valentines day just creeps up right behind. 
My husband and I used to go all out for Valentines day with gifts, candle light dinners (we even got engaged on February,14th) But, 3 kids later (and our bedtime being 10pm) we seem to make it more all about the kids these days. 

I'll decorate our bay window with hearts. Make heart shaped pancakes for breakfast, heart shaped pizza for dinner and even heart shaped cookies. Hearts, and red everywhere. 

On Tuesday my daughter, said she needed a box to collect all her valentines at school on Friday. I know they sell those mail boxes for Valentines at Walmart, so we headed there. There was a bunch of mail boxes, but nothing for someone in fifth grade, she felt everything was too babyish....(I guess the princesses aren't the cool thing in 5th grade anymore).  I wasn't about to travel store to store for the one she had pictured in her mind (that probably doesn't exist). I told her how about we just make something at home. If we made it at home nobody would have the same thing and she can paint (I don't know if the word paint convinced her but we were headed home). We came home, the only box I can think of that we had was a cereal box. I pulled out the box, my crafts we went to work and together this is what we came up with!

Here is the finished project.
We were going for the chalkboard look. I didn't have anymore Chalkboard Paint so, I used acrylic paint. We also tried using just chalk at first, but with the shine of the acrylic it wasn't coming out the way we wanted. So, instead for the writing I used a white paint marker (you can find this at any craft store). I did use a red chalk to fill in the hearts. 
I really like the way it came out. It was very easy to do and I am excited to see my daughter use it tomorrow at school!

I posted directions below.
Have a Happy Valentines Day! Let me know what you think! 

Just any regular sized cereal box.

I cut out a slit out with a box cutter. I made it big enough to fit cards, candy, toys, etc.
The other side of the box.

The other side.
This would be the top of the cereal box. We didn't tape the flap down we just put the tab into place
You Will Need:

  • 1 Cereal box (any size will work)
  • Acrylic Paint (any color you'd like)
  • Paint markers (any colors)
  • Box Cutter (For grown up use only)

Take a cereal box any size works. (Adults) cut a slit on one side of the box. (I cut it big enough to fit cards, candies or any other little items.)

Paint the whole box. Let it dry. (The acrylic paint dried pretty quickly.) I think depending on the paint you use 1- 4 hours of drying time seems average. 24 hours might be your safest bet.

Then decorate and design any way you want!

If you do make this, post pictures. I'd love to see all the other different ideas! Happy crafting :-)

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

It's potty time!

It's been a little while since I have written. Well since the last time I was on here a few great things have happened!

On January 26th we celebrated Alexanders 3rd birthday. (I can't believe how fast time is going). I really love the age of 3. At this age they're still little and need there mommy & daddy but, at the same time they are getting independent.  The tantrums still happen but they are more tolerable (and negotiable). And the way there little minds work, amazes me. It is really a fun age!

But the best part of 3 is.....we are POTTY trained!!!  Alex being my only boy, and hearing how hard boys are to potty train from other mommies, I was a little nervous. I had the girls fully potty trained by 2-2.5. I don't really ever remember it being a challenge or a big deal with the girls. It was like an overnight transition. With Alex, we started bringing up the whole potty thing around 1.5- 2 (when the Easter bunny brought him a potty) He really had no interest. Then we tried doing the lets put underwear on and maybe he'll get the hint. Nope. We tried the prize thing. That didn't work either. At this point I realized, the more I pressure him, and the more I bring it up he isn't going to go. I remember that was the trick with the girls as well. I never pressured them. When they were ready they went. So, I dropped the whole potty topic with him. I had his potty in the bathroom, he knew it was there and when he was ready, he'd go.

Well one day I was cleaning the bathroom, as I was washing the floor I stuck it in the cabinet. A few days went by, (I totally forgot about it) Alex asked where his potty was. A light bulb went off "I think he's ready". I quickly ran to the bathroom pulled it out and asked if he would like to try going potty. Low and behold he went potty!!! So, I got over excited (cheering and squealing. My husband thought something happened I was so loud, lol) I wanted to show him how proud I was (the things us mommies do).

I brought him in the kitchen, set the timer on the microwave for 20:00 minutes and told him when it beeps that means it's time to go again.  The timer went off and to my surprise he bolted to the bathroom to go potty. So, I kept setting the timer for about 20:00 each time. The next day I went up to 30:00. At this point I'm like he gets it.  It's a reminder to him that it's potty time (and a reminder to me).  For about a week we did every 30 minutes (I didn't realize how fast time goes until I set that darn timer). The week after we went up to 40 minutes. Now, we are up to every hour. It's kind of funny because he runs to the potty as soon as he hears the beep, so sometimes when I stick something in the microwave it beeps, and he runs to the potty even though it's not time. (For the rest of his life every time my poor boy hears a microwave he's going to have to pee).

We do step out with him diaper-less, and it's been successful. Of course I always keep a back up pair of pants and underwear in my car. I make everyone in my household use the potty before we leave, because I am so skeevish when it comes to public restroom, (I literally dry heave when I walk into a public restroom) I try to avoid them as much as possible. One day I stepped out with him, to pick up the girls from school (he always takes his naps on the car ride to get the girls) and I forgot to put a pull-up on....this cannot be good. To my surprise he napped and stayed dry. I think we had one accident the whole time (and it was because I forgot to set the timer, and he was having a good time playing with his sisters) Let me tell you he was not happy when he wet himself.

We don't use pull-ups during the day (just training underwear). At night I do put him in a pull-up, because you never know, and sometimes he comes into my bed in the middle of the night. In the mornings he has been waking up dry, so the first thing we do is go potty.

Accidents are going to happen. Sometimes it even happens when they have been potty trained for a while (it happens to every parent..really it does). Don't yell or get mad at them (you might discourage them and it will take longer for them to potty train) If an accident happens, tell them it's okay it happens, just remind them to tell you next time. (Nothing bothers me more is when I'm out in public and I hear a parent screaming at there kid because he/she had an accident or spilled something...It takes a lot for me to not say something. Everyone parents differently (as they say to each there own), but sometimes I really would like to give them a piece of my mind.)

It's been nice not having to buy diapers, change diapers or carry a purse full of diapers everywhere we go. Alex does not like going down the baby isle at the store. He starts saying "Mom? Why are we in this isle. I'm NOT a baby".

Potty Training Tips

  • So, the trick to potty training is a beep or a bell (if they don't have a potty with a bell, buzzer or a beep installed on it already then.....I would like a 15% pay cut of every sale, from whoever invents that. Just saying, Lol....Please and Thank you!) 

  • Training Underwear. ( I use Gerber training underwear) Or regular pair is fine too. You're going to have at least one accident.

  • Pull-ups- Get a cheaper brand (don't waste your money) I use Kroger brand and they work just as well as name brand. I stopped  buying name brand diapers after I tried "Target" brand. They  by far are the best diapers and the best price. I recommend those diapers to every new mommy!

  • Patience- So, important. I stop everything when that timer beeps. It's annoying and you feel like your in that bathroom all day. But, like everything it will get easier. 

  • Get Excited- Do the happy potty dance. Jump up with joy. Sing a song. Kids love when you get excited for them (even if it's over the littlest things) My 7 year old daughter even made a song up for him. Now every time he sits on the potty he sings...It's potty time, It's potty time, It's potty time!

Hope I was able to help on this journey. Happy potty training!!!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Dining Room Make Over

My Dining Room Before and After

After being in my home for a little over 7 months now, I decided it's time to add my own touch. I think the hardest part has been choosing paint colors and window treatments. Slowly but surely it's coming together.

The first picture is my dining room. Before it was a neutral color (the same color that every room was painted when we bought our home) It was a flat base (I personally do not like flat base paint at all. I have to many sticky little fingers running through my home. You get any little finger print on a flat base painted wall and it's nearly impossible to get off, and if you even attempt to scrub it down it looks horrible after) I always like to use eggshell base on all my walls. It always looks smooth, not too shiny and I can get and dirt, scuff or print off without ruining the wall!

This is my dining room before the makeover. I'm not sure what the exact paint or color was used. It was a flat base.
(Thats my kitten Charlie! He was keeping me company while I prepped the room.)

And this is after.

We are very happy the way the color came out. I used BM -Waters Edge 1635 Eggshell base.

We had a lot of extra paint left over so I used the same color in our basement bathroom!

Now, I'm on a kick to paint every room in the house so stay tuned for my next project!!! (My husband just rolled his eyes. Lol)

My Perfect Pancakes!

My Perfect Pancakes 

I always try to make my kids homemade breakfast every morning (unless I over sleep, then it's cereal for all, lol) Eggs, toast, oatmeal, waffles are some of the things they'll eat in the mornings. But there favorite is mommies pancakes! 

This is the pancake recipe I use all the time!  They always come out perfectly round every time.  I always have the ingredients in my pantry. And, two I know exactly what ingredients are in my pancakes (I'm to scared to even know what is in those boxed pancake mixes). 

(It makes about 10 pancakes. But this depends on what size pancakes you like)

  • 1 1/2 Cups of flour...(I use "Wheat Montana" whole wheat flour.

  • 2 tsp Baking powder (Bob's Red Mill)

  • 1tsp Sugar (Wholesome Organic Sugar)

  • 1tsp Sea Salt

  • 2 Eggs (organic caged free of course)

  • 1 1/4 Milk (Organic 2%)

  • 3 Tbls Coconut Butter (or Shortening) I use a non-stick griddle so I almost always skip this.

Sift flour, baking powder,sugar and salt into a mixing bowl. Mix all dry ingredients together until combined (make sure you start off at a slower speed, other wise you'll get a big poof of flour all over you....yes, it's happened to me) Add eggs and milk and mix for about 30 seconds. Stop scrape bowl, and mix again for 15 seconds.

*Hint- I take my spatula and press down on the pancake just to be extra sure the middle cooks evenly.

Slowly heat griddle or skillet. Pour pancake batter into desired size. Cook until bubbles form on the outside surface and the edges become dry. Cook until golden.

You can also add fresh berries, Chocolate Chips, Sprinkles or any other touches you might like in your pancakes. I'll sometimes add a freshly grated apple and some grated cheddar cheese. It adds a serving fruit and calcium (for those picky eaters). My oldest had a faze where she wouldn't touch anything with dairy, so I would add a little cheese. (They won't even know it's in there)

There you go perfect pancakes.

Enjoy!  :-)